06-22-98PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 1998 VOL. 49 NO. 6 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Janesville held inthe Municipal building on June 22, 1998. The meeting was called to order by Council President O'Leary. Councilmember Noll led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Council President O'Leary, Councilmembers Westphal, Murphy, Stehura and Noll. Absent: Councilmembers Brien and Schneider. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the regular meeting of June 8, 1998. Minutes of the closed session of June 8, 1998. Licenses; and Recommendations of the Alcohol License Advisory Committee. Financial statement for the month of May, 1998. Action on final Certified Survey Map #98046-C, Webco, Inc., 1 lot on Widgeon Drive. Council President stated that if there were no objections, the Consent Agenda would be approved. There were none. (All applications of licenses are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are incorporated by reference herein and may be examined upon request at all reasonable times.) OLD BUSINESS 1. Requests and comments from the public on matters which can be affected by Council action. Ms. Elaine Dudley, a resident on Industrial Court requested Council authorize the installation of slreet lip~hts for this street. She presented a petition si~ed by six individuals. 2. A proposed ordinance deleting a section in the Zoning Ordinance which relates to zoning land upon annexation received its second reading and public hearing. No one spoke. Councilmember Noll moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Westphal, and passed unanimously. (File Ord. No. 98- iigi) 3. A proposed resolution vacating an alley between North Palm and North Chatham Streets received its public hearing. No one spoke. Councilmember Westphal moved to adopt said resolution, seconded by Councilmember Noll, and passed unanimously. (File Res. No. 98-2309) 4. Action on a postponed assessment for Kennedy Road water main and street construction in Public Works Pro.am #2-1998 was postponed to July 13, 1998. 5. A proposed resolution awarding $8,400,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 1998, establishing interest rates thereon and levying taxes therefore was presented. Councilmember Noll moved to adopt said resolution, seconded by Council President O'Leary, and passed unanimously. (File Res. No. 98-2315) NEW BUSINESS 1. Committee Appointments. Councilmember Stehura moved to approve the City Manager's appointment of Kathleen Braatz. George Steil. Jr.. and Patty Podgers-Johnson to the Library Board. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Noll. and passed unanimously. 2. A proposed resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds in support of the Intergovernmental Cooperative A~eement. as previously adopted on June 9. 1997 was presented. Councilmember Noll moved to adopt said resolution, seconded by Councilmember Stehura. and passed unanimously. (File Res. No. 98-2318) 3. A proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into individual cooperation a~eements with Rock County and political subdivisions therein to form a Federal HOME Pro.am Consortium was withdrawn because one of the parties declined to participate. (File Res. No. 98-2322) 4. A proposed ordinance attaching land north of Avalon Road between South River Road and South Oakhill Avenue was introduced and scheduled for public hearing on August 10. 1998. (File Ord. No. 98-1196) 5. A proposed ordinance establishing zoning on land located north of Avalon Road between South River Road and South Oakhill Avenue was introduced and scheduled for public hearing on August 10. 1998. (File Ord. No. 98-1197) 6. Matters not on the Agenda. The City Manager asked if the Council wanted to schedule a slrategic planning session. They did and the City Manager will propose tentative dates at the next Council meeting. Councilmember Stehura reported that the Falling Creek area did not hear the tornado warning sirens. The Adminislration will forward this matter to John Olson. County Emergency Director. In addition. he inquired if the Youth Sports Center could be designated as "no smoking", and requested information on the animal control pro.am in Madison. WI. There being no further business. Council adjourned at 7:36 p.m. These minutes are not official until approved by the City Council. Jean Ann Wulf City Clerk-Treasurer