CP011 (Creation of New Positions)CITY OF JANESVILLE Policy No. 11 CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 7/10/72 General Subject: Administration Effective Date 2/12/2019 Specific Subject: Creation of New Positions Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Responsible Dept/Div: City Manager’s Office PURPOSE To clarify the Council’s policy on the creation of positions of employment with the City of Janesville. STATEMENT OF POLICY The creation of new positions of employment with the City of Janesville shall be made by the City Manager within the limitations of the operating budget authorized by the City Council. The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the fiscal impact of all such positions created. The City Council, however, may create and fund new positions through their budget adoption procedure, but the staffing of all positions shall be accomplished by the City Manager in accordance with state statutes. EXCEPTION The City Manager shall inform the Council of his intent prior to the creation of any administrative office. Administrative offices shall be considered those positions vested with staff authority and responsible for the creation or recommendation of policy.