CP098 (Employee Discipline Procedures, Just Cause Progressive Discipline)CITY OF JANESVILLE Policy No. 98 Page 1 of 3 CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued: 8/28/17 Revised: General Subject: Employee Discipline Procedures Effective Date: 8/29/17 Special Subject: Just Cause, Progressive Discipline Cancellation Date Supersedes Responsible Dept/Div: Human Resources Office WHEREAS, the City Council is the final step in the City of Janesville internal grievance procedure; and WHEREAS, both our employees and the persons who supervise them will benefit from guidance concerning future disciplinary actions covered by that grievance procedure; and WHEREAS, the current City Council wishes to reassure all employees of the City of Janesville that they will continue to be treated fairly when disciplinary decisions are made; THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Janesville hereby adopt the following Policy: When discipline or discharge decisions made by the Administration are appealed to the City Council pursuant to the current grievance procedure, the current members of the City Council intend to apply traditional concepts of progressive discipline and just cause to those cases. More specifically, the typical stages of progressive discipline for employees shall be: 1. Counseling; 2. A verbal warning; 3. A written warning; 4. Suspension without pay; and 5. Termination from employment This shall not apply to management decisions about an employee’s failure to successfully complete their trial or review period. CITY OF JANESVILLE Policy No. 98 Page 2 of 3 CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued: 8/28/17 Revised: General Subject: Employee Discipline Procedures Effective Date: 8/29/17 Special Subject: Just Cause, Progressive Discipline Cancellation Date Supersedes Responsible Dept/Div: Human Resources Office The stage chosen for a particular infraction by a supervisor shall depend upon a variety of factors that include, but are not limited to, the severity of the infraction, the previous work history of the employee, and how the choice will affect others in the organization. Also inherent in progressive discipline is regression to previous stages once enough time passes. After three (3) years of discipline-free employment, any similar infraction or work rule violation by an employee shall not be considered in the determination of the appropriate level of discipline. No employee shall be subject to any employment discipline unless each of the following seven elements of just cause are satisfied: 1. The employee knew or should have known of the policy, rule, regulation, direction, or order, including commonly understood expectations applicable to all employees. 2. The policy, rule, regulation, direction, or order was reasonable. 3. The employer investigated to determine whether the employee committed a violation. 4. The investigation was fair and objective. 5. The violation is proven by a preponderance of the evidence. 6. The policy, rule, regulation, direction, or order was consistently applied by that supervisor. 7. The discipline is reasonable and proportional to the work infraction or violation (the punishment fits the offense) in light of the employee’s overall work history. CITY OF JANESVILLE Policy No. 98 Page 3 of 3 CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued: 8/28/17 Revised: General Subject: Employee Discipline Procedures Effective Date: 8/29/17 Special Subject: Just Cause, Progressive Discipline Cancellation Date Supersedes Responsible Dept/Div: Human Resources Office The above standards shall be interpreted and applied in the sole discretion of the Council, and the Council reserves the right to deviate from them when it is in the best interests of the City and the people it serves to do so.