Minutes 06-10-2002.docPROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN REGULAR MEETING June 10, 2002 Approved June 24, 2002 VOL. 53 NO. 5 A regular meeting of the Janesville City Council, held at the Municipal Building on June 10, 2002. The meeting was called to order by Council President DeGarmo at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Williams led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Council President DeGarmo, Councilmembers Steeber, Murphy, Damron, Williams, Brien and O'Leary. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the regular meeting of May 28, 2002 Minutes of the closed session of May 28, 2002 Licenses; and Recommendations of the Alcohol License Advisory Committee The alcohol license for Rotary Gardens was acted upon separately from the Consent Agenda. Sue Olson and Chris Olson, representing Rotary Gardens spoke in support of this license. Stan Jones, representing Holiday Inn Express, spoke in opposition. Councilmember Murphy moved to deny the license for Rotary Gardens, seconded by Councilmember Williams. The motion failed by the following vote: Aye: Councilmembers Murphy, Williams and Brien. Nay: Councilmembers Steeber, Damron, DeGarmo and O'Leary. Councilmember O'Leary moved to approve the license for Rotary Gardens, limiting the alcohol premises to the Education Center.. Councilmember Steeber seconded the motion. Councilmember Steeber offered a friendly amendment to allow alcohol to be served in the Formal Garden, Sunken Garden and Gazebo. There was no second. The motion passed by the following vote: Aye: Councilmembers Steeber, Damron, DeGarmo and O'Leary. Nay: Murphy, Williams and Brien. Council President stated that the Consent Agenda would approved if there were no objections. There were none. OLD BUSINESS 1. Requests and comments from the public on matters which can be affected by Council action. Paulette Remillard, 536 S. Randall Ave., stated her opinions of the City's assessment practices and that her petition for a State review of City assessment procedures is 30% complete. Michael Zimmerman, 863 E. Memorial Ave., stated there is a problem with kids loitering on Milton Avenue. Richard Frank, 1119 Elida St., stated TIF districts belong downtown and not on prime farmland. He stated one-way streets in the City should be changed to 2-way streets. Also, he is concerned that the City is not planning for peripheral roads around the City. 2. Report by Janesville Downtown Development Alliance. Terry Campbell, co-chair of the Downtown Development Alliance, presented the report. Councilmember Murphy moved to authorize Administration to continue to assist the Alliance at the existing level of support. Councilmember Brien seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 3. A proposed ordinance prohibiting drive-up windows and similar devices for the sale of intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages in the City of Janesville received its second reading and public hearing. No one spoke. Councilmember Williams moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Councilmember Brien. The motion failed by the following vote: Aye: Councilmembers Steeber, Williams and Brien. Nay: Councilmembers Murphy, Damron, DeGarmo and O'Leary. (File Ord. No. 2002-132) 4. A proposed ordinance designating Kennedy Road (U.S. Highway 14 to North City Limits) as a connecting arterial street received its second reading and public hearing. No one spoke. Councilmember Steeber moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Councilmember Murphy. The motion passed unanimously. (File Ord. No. 2002-131) NEW BUSINESS 1. Action on a proposed resolution authorizing the issuance of $8,370,000 in General Obligation Promissory Notes - Series 2002, for financing various public purposes. Councilmember Brien moved to adopt said resolution, seconded by Councilmember O'Leary. The motion passed unanimously. (File Res. No. 2002-251) 2. A proposed resolution for the 2002 New Sidewalk Program was introduced and scheduled for public hearing on July 8, 2002. (File Res. No. 2002-260) 3. A proposed ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance text and Streets, Sidewalks and Public Property text to modify the standards for the maximum driveway opening for a single-family and two-family residences was introduced, referred to Plan Commission, and scheduled for public hearing on July 8, 2002. (File Ord. No. 2002-134) 4. & 5. Proposed ordinances annexing property (2002-135) and zoning property (2002-136) located east and adjoining the Prairie Wood Estates Subdivision were introduced, referred to the Plan Commission and scheduled for public hearing on July 8, 2002. (File Ord. Nos. 2002-135 & 2002-136) 6. Matters not on the Agenda. Councilmembers Murphy and O'Leary requested the Administration to prepare a background memo and draft ordinance that would restrict smoking in restaurants. Councilmember Brien requested the Administration to check the streetlights on Main Street and N. Parker Drive. He also had a question about softball rules that was referred to the Recreation Director. Councilmember O'Leary requested information on adding S. Washington Street to our public works program #1. 7. Councilmember Steeber moved to convene into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85 (1) (e), for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Councilmember Murphy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. There being no further business, Council convened into closed session at 9:21 p.m. These minutes are not official until approved by City Council. Jean Ann Wulf City Clerk-Treasurer