Minutes 07-12-10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN APPROVED 7/26/10 REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 2010 VOL. 61 NO. 11 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Janesville held in the Municipal Building on July 12, 2010. The meeting was called to order by Council President Voskuil at 7:00 PM. Council President Voskuil led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Council President Voskuil, Councilmembers Brunner, McDonald, Perrotto, Rashkin, Steeber, and Truman. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the special meeting of June 24, 2010. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 28, 2010. Licenses and Recommendations of the Alcohol License Advisory Committee. Authorization for the Administration to deny a personal injury claim from Christine Welcenbach in the amount of $15,722.34. Council President Voskuil stated that all items on the consent agenda would be approved as recommended, if there were no objections. There were none. Tim Cullen Internship Program students. Council President Voskuil thanked the following High School students for participating in this program: Nick Strub, Jamie Jensen, Rachel Han, and Jonathan Hammon. OLD BUSINESS 1. Requests and comments from the public regarding items on the agenda not requiring a public hearing. Dave Hyde, 1315 Mineral Point Rd. and Jennifer Wenzel, 2502 Elizabeth St., representing National Federation of the Blind, requested the Council keep the existing sidewalk policy and not make any changes. 2. A proposed ordinance amending Section 18.36.050 (Industrial Districts) of the Code of General Ordinances received its second reading and public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Councilmember Steeber moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Councilmember McDonald and passed unanimously. (File Ord. No. 2010-455) 3. A proposed ordinance amending the list of connecting arterial streets received its second reading and public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Councilmember McDonald moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Councilmember Steeber and passed unanimously. (File Ord. No. 2010-456) NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion/possible action on report from Rink Management Services Corporation on the ice rink evaluation. Councilmember Perrotto requested a budget comparing the fiscal impact of single and twin sheets of ice. Councilmember McDonald requested information on when the land was acquired for the proposed ice rink, the purchase amount and its current value. Council President Voskuil referred this matter to the Ice Skating Advisory Committee for a recommendation and scheduled it for Council review on August 23, 2010. 2. Presentation and direction to staff on 2011 Sidewalk Program. Councilmember Truman moved to continue with the existing sidewalk plan with no less than five miles but nor more than nine miles to be constructed each year, with notification occurring the year before construction, seconded by Councilmember Steeber and passed unanimously. 3. Action on a proposed resolution authorizing the sale of property located at 305 South Pearl Street. Councilmember Rashkin moved to adopt said resolution, seconded by Councilmember Truman and passed unanimously. (File Res. No. 2010-718) Council President Voskuil combined action on New Business Items #4 and #5. Action on proposed resolutions authorizing interfund borrowing to provide interim funding for the Clean Water Fund Project–Collection System Improvements, and to comply with requirements of the Wisconsin Clean Water Fund Loan Program (2010-713) and authorizing the City Manager to proceed with certain improvements to the Wastewater Utility Sanitary Sewer System and to apply for a Wisconsin Clean Water Fund Loan 2010-714). Councilmember Steeber moved to adopt said resolutions, seconded by Councilmember Brunner and passed unanimously. (File Res. Nos. 2010-713 &2010-714) 6. A proposed ordinance repealing JGO Chapter 8.75 and recreating JGO Chapter 8.74 regulating smoking in the City of Janesville with penalties and injunctive relief as set forth in proposed JGO 8.74.070 and 8.74.080 was introduced and scheduled for a public hearing on July 26, 2010. (File Ord. No. 2010-457) 7. Requests and comments from the public on matters which can be affected by Council action. Jack Herndon, 404 S. Walnut St., thanked Council for allowing Redneck Fest and stated they plan to hold it again. He estimated that the $25,000 in proceeds would be donated to Easter Seals. Councilmember Truman thanked Mr. Herndon for continuing to work with Council and Administration. Ty Bollerud, 4608 Pendleton Ct., requested Council build a hydropower plant to generate income. Andreah Briarmoon, 339 S. Locust St., stated that there was a new offer to purchase the Case Feed building. 8. Matters not on the agenda. Councilmember Truman stated the new offer to purchase the Case Feed building was a delay tactic and the City should proceed with the demolition. He thanked the Friends of Riverside Park, the Rock Aqua Jays, and Red Neck Fest for their events held over the holiday weekend. He stated his concern on how General Motors plant has been neglected and is overgrown with weeds and low hanging branches. Councilmember Rashkin, thanked Officers Woodman and Radloff for letting him ride along on patrol. Council President Voskuil suggested citizens fill out the tax advice scorecard. 9. Councilmember Steeber moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilmember McDonald and passed unanimously. There being no further business, Council adjourned at 9:32 PM. These minutes are not official until approved by the City Council. Jean Ann Wulf City Clerk-Treasurer