CP060 (Sewer & Water Service Extension)CITY OF JANESVILLE Policy No. 60 Page 1 of 1 CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued 2/9/88 Revised 11/11/2019 General Subject: Public Improvements Effective Date 11/11/2019 Specific Subject: Extension of City Sewer and Water Service Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Responsible Dept/Div: Utility Division PURPOSE To establish a City policy on extension of City sewer and water service to properties located inside and outside the city limits. STATEMENT OF POLICY 1. Service to properties located inside the city. Every building intended for human habitation or occupancy on land in the city abutting a street, right-of-way or easement in which there is public sewer or public water main or on land deemed accessible to public sewer and water shall have individual connections to public sewer and water mains, and the private sewage system and water supply serving such building shall be properly abandoned when connections occur. Such connections to the public sewer and water mains shall be required within 12 months from the date the public sewer and water mains become available. All public sewer and water connections and abandonment of existing private sewage and water supply facilities shall occur in a manner consistent with City Ordinance. This policy recognizes there are some isolated situations within the city where structures intended for human habitation or occupancy may have sewer or water service available as defined above but are not connected. These situations are limited and corrected as the utility becomes aware of them. 2. Service to properties located outside the city. Individuals or other owners of properties located outside the city who desire service connections to the public sewer and water mains shall be denied such connections until their land on which service is requested is annexed to the city. An exception to this policy exists for property located within the City of Janesville/Town of Rock Cooperative Boundary Plan Area where a separate intergovernmental agreement is established to provide municipal sewer and water service to property in the Town of Rock. A similar policy addressing the extension and availability of sewer service is included with the Janesville Area Point Source Water Quality Management Plan (208 Plan) which has been adopted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and from time to time updated and/or amended.